Resource hierarchy
The resource hierarchy demonstrates how resources and operations are related to one another in the ArcGIS services portion of the ArcGIS REST API.
Operations are listed in italic text.
Resources available through the service catalog
- Catalog
- System
- GeoAnalytics
- Aggregate Points
- Append Data
- Build Multi-Variable Grid
- Calculate Density
- Calculate Field
- Calculate Motion Statistics
- Clip Layer
- Copy to Data Store
- Create Buffers
- Create Space Time Cube
- Describe Dataset
- Detect Incidents
- Dissolve Boundaries
- Enrich from Multi-Variable Grid
- Find Dwell Locations
- Find Hot Spots
- Find Point Clusters
- Find Similar Locations
- Forest-based Classification and Regression
- Generalized Linear Regression
- Geocode Locations
- Geographically Weighted Regression
- Group By Proximity
- Join Features
- Merge Layers
- Overlay Layers
- Reconstruct Tracks
- Run Python Script
- Snap Tracks
- Summarize Attributes
- Summarize Center and Dispersion
- Summarize Within
- Trace Proximity Events
- OrthoMapping
- Publishing Tools
- Raster Analytics
- Add Image
- Aggregate Multidimensional Raster
- Analyze Changes Using CCDC
- Analyze Changes Using LandTrendr
- Build Multidimensional Transpose
- Calculate Density
- Calculate Distance
- Calculate Travel Cost
- Classify
- Classify Objects Using Deep Learning
- Classify Pixels Using Deep Learning
- Compute Accuracy For Object Detection
- Convert Feature to Raster
- Convert Raster to Feature
- Copy Raster
- Cost Path as Polyline
- Create Image Collection
- Create Viewshed
- Delete Image
- Delete Image Collection
- Derive Continuous Flow
- Detect Change Using Change Analysis Raster
- Detect Objects Using Deep Learning
- Determine Optimum Travel Cost Network
- Determine Travel Cost Path as Polyline
- Determine Travel Cost Paths to Destinations
- Distance Accumulation
- Distance Allocation
- Download Raster
- Export Training Data for Deep Learning
- Fill
- Find Argument Statistics
- Flow Accumulation
- Flow Direction
- Flow Distance
- Generate Multidimensional Anomaly
- Generate Raster
- Generate Trend Raster
- Install Deep Learning Model
- Interpolate Points
- Linear Spectral Unmixing
- List Deep Learning Model
- Locate Regions
- Manage Multidimensional Raster
- Merge Multidimensional Raster
- Nibble
- Optimal Path As Line
- Optimal Path As Raster
- Optimal Region Connections
- Predict Using Regression Model
- Predict Using Trend Raster
- Publish Deep Learning Model
- Query Deep Learning Model Info
- Sample
- Segment
- Stream Link
- Subset Multidimensional Raster
- Summarize Categorical Raster
- Summarize Raster Within
- Surface Parameters
- Train Classifier
- Train Deep Learning Model
- Train Random Trees Regression Model
- Uninstall Deep Learning Model
- Watershed
- Zonal Statistics As Table
- GeoAnalytics
- Utilities
- Geocoding Tools
- Geometry
- Offline Packaging (See Location-based services)
- Printing Tools
- Raster Utilities
- Symbol Service
- Services
- Big Data Catalog Service
- Feature Service
- Append
- Apply Edits
- Create Replica
- Extract Changes
- Query
- Query Domains
- Relationships
- Synchronize Replica
- Unregister Replica
- Layer
- Query Data Elements
- Replicas
- Geocode Service
- Geodata Service
- GeoProcessing Service
- Globe Service
- Image Service
- Add Rasters
- Calculate Volume
- Colormap
- Compute Cache Info
- Compute Class Statistics
- Compute Histograms
- Compute Multidimensional Info
- Compute Pixel Location
- Compute Statistics and Histograms
- Compute Tie Points
- Delete Rasters
- Download Rasters
- Export Image
- Export Tiles
- Get Samples
- Histograms
- Identify
- Image Tile
- Image Service Info
- Image Support Data
- Key Properties
- KML Image
- Legend
- Measure
- Multidimensional Info
- Project
- Query
- Query Boundary
- Raster Attribute Table
- Raster Catalog Item
- Raster File
- Raster Function Info
- Slices
- Statistics
- Update Raster
- Uploads
- Validate
- Knowledge Graph Service
- Knowledge Graph Service (Admin)
These endpoints are accessible through the administrative service catalog.
- Map Service
- Export Map
- Find
- Generate KML
- Identify
- Map Tile
- Layer/Table
- All Layers/Tables
- Generate Renderer
- Image
- KML Image
- Legend
- Query
- Query Attachments
- Query Related Records
- Estimate Export Tile Size
- Job
- Export Tiles
- Dynamic Layer/Table
- Feature
- Map Service Extension
- Data Reviewer
- Linear Referencing Service
- All Layers
- Apply Edits
- Create Version
- Delete Version
- Reconcile Version
- Query Edit Log
- Calibration Point Layer
- Centerline Layer
- Centerline Sequence Layer
- Event Layer
- Get Calibration Configuration
- Get Cartographic Realignment Configuration
- Intersection Layer
- Locks
- Network Layer
- Non-LRS Layer
- Redline Layer
- Set Calibration Configuration
- Set Cartographic Realignment Configuration
- Utility Network Layer
- Schematic Service
- Topographic Production Service
- Mobile Service
- Network Service
- Network Diagram Service
- Create Diagram From Features
- Delete Diagram
- Find Diagram Infos
- Find Diagram Names
- Query Consistency State
- Diagram Dataset
- Diagrams
- Diagram
- Append Features
- Apply Layout
- Apply Template Layouts
- Clear Flags
- Dynamic Layers
- Extend
- Find Diagram Features
- Find Initial Network Objects
- Find Network Features
- Get Aggregations
- Get Flags
- Layer Definitions
- Manage Flag
- Overwrite From Features
- Query Diagram Content
- Query Diagram Elements By Extent
- Query Diagram Elements by ObjectIDs
- Save Layout
- Store
- Update
- Diagram Map
- Diagram
- Diagram Templates
- Relational Catalog Service
- Scene Service
- Stream Service
- Trace Network Service
- Trace Configurations
- Utility Network Service
- Validation Service
- Vector Tile Service
- Version Management Service
- System