Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Spaces extension.
Once you create a plan and open it, the Plan tab in Space Planner contains the number of people and units without an assignment and additional details about the hot desks and hotels in the plan. Space managers can begin to reassign occupants to spaces, including the following:
- Assign or reassign occupants and spaces.
- Unassign currently assigned occupants and spaces.
- Create activity-based spaces such as hotels and hot desk areas.
You must have privileges associated with the default role of Data Editor or higher to make changes to a plan. If you're using a custom role, the edit features privilege must be enabled to open and edit plans.
Learn more about user types, roles, and privileges in ArcGIS Enterprise.
Assign occupants
You can assign occupants from multiple places in Space Planner, including the following:
- The Plan tab
- The Units list
- The Assignments list
- The info cards for units and occupants
- On the map via drag and drop
Plan assignments
The Not assigned section of the Plan tab reflects the number of people who are not currently assigned to a space or activity area, and the number of units that currently do not have anyone assigned or are not assigned to an activity area.
Unassigned people
You can click the number of people to open a list of occupants who are not assigned to a unit, hot desk, hotel, or home office and assign them in the following ways:
- Drag an occupant name in this list to a space on the map. Once the target space is highlighted on the map, release the occupant name to assign the person to that space. If the target unit is part of a hotel or hot desk area, the occupant is assigned to that hotel or hot desk area.
Dragging an occupant name from a unit's info card to another unit on the map also assigns the occupant to that space.
- Hover over an occupant in the People (Unassigned) list and click either the Units button
, Hot Desk button
, or Hotel button
to open a dialog box and choose a space. You can also use the Home Office button
if the occupant works from a home office.
You can search for a specific assignment location using the dialog box that appears.
- Optionally, filter the list and use the Assign to drop-down menu to assign all of the occupants in the list to a hotel, hot desk, or unit.
You can filter the list of unassigned occupants by site if SITE_ID field values are populated in the Occupants layer. The Sites layer must also be present in the map.
Placeholder occupants
You can create a placeholder for new hires and job requisites before their information is updated in the human resources (HR) system. This helps you plan their work location in advance, assign them to an office, and project the usage of spaces.
Complete the following steps to create a placeholder occupant:
- Click People to activate the People (Unassigned) list.
- Click Add at the top of the activated list.
The Add placeholder occupant dialog box appears.
- In the KNOWNAS text box, type the full name or alias of the occupant.
- Optionally, click More fields to display additional attributes that can be provided for the occupant.
- Click Add.
The new placeholder occupant appears in the People (Unassigned) list.
To delete, hover over the placeholder occupant in the People (Unassigned) list, and click the Delete button. If a placeholder occupant is already assigned to a hot desk, a unit, or a hotel, its assignment needs to be removed first before it can be deleted.
Unassigned units
You can click the number of units to open a list of units that don't have someone assigned to them or are not assigned to a hot desk or hotel area. You can assign these units to occupants or activity areas in the following ways:
- Hover over a unit in the list and click either the Person button
, Hot Desk button
, or Hotel button
to open a dialog box and choose the person or space to assign to the unit.
- Optionally, filter the list and use the Assign to drop-down menu to assign all of the units in the list to a hotel or hot desk area.

You can search for a specific person or assignment location using the dialog box that appears.
You can view a list of all units by clicking the Units button and assign the units in the following ways:
- Hover over a unit in the list and click either the Person button
, Hot Desk button
, or Hotel button
to open a dialog box and choose the person or space to assign to the unit.
- Optionally filter the list and use the Assign to drop-down menu to assign all of the units in the list to a hotel or hot desk area.
You can search for a specific person or assignment location using the dialog box that appears.
You can view a list of occupant assignments by clicking the Assignments button . The list can be filtered and sorted, and clicking an assignment in the list pans the map to the assignment. Assignments are listed for each assigned space. People can be assigned to multiple units, hotels, hot desks, or any combination of the three, and as a result, one person can have multiple assignments in this list.
You can assign occupants from the Assignments list in the following ways:
- Drag an occupant in this list to a unit on the map. Once the target unit is highlighted on the map, release the occupant to assign the person to that space. If another occupant is already assigned to the unit, you have the option to unassign that occupant on the dialog box that appears. If the target unit is part of a hotel or hot desk area, the occupant is assigned to that hotel or hot desk area.
Dragging an occupant from a unit's info card to another unit on the map also assigns the occupant to that space.
- Hover over an occupant in the list and click either the Unit button
, Hot Desk button
, or Hotel button
to open a dialog box and choose a space. You can also use the Home Office button
if the occupant works from a home office.
You can search for a specific assignment location using the dialog box that appears.
- Optionally, filter the list and use the Assign to drop-down menu to assign all of the occupants in the list to a hotel, hot desk, or unit.
You can filter the list of occupants by site if SITE_ID and SITE_NAME field values are populated in the Occupants layer.
Unassign occupants
Space Planner includes a full list of occupants in the Occupants feature class on the map. You can unassign occupants from spaces in the Assignments list or on the map. A common scenario is a team moving from one building to another on a campus. The entire team must first be unassigned from their current building before being assigned to spaces in the new building.
Assignments list
When the Assignments list is activated in Space Planner, it lists all the occupants in the Occupants layer and their current space assignments. The Assignments list can be used to highlight single occupants on the map or can be used to filter groups of occupants. Once the Assignments list has been filtered, you can unassign all the occupants currently in the list.
Ensure that the list is correct before performing any batch operation from the Assignments list. It is possible to unassign occupants accidentally if the list is large.
You can hover over an assignment in the list and click the Unassign button to unassign an occupant from the unit, hotel, hot desk, or home office to which they are assigned.
You can select units and occupants on the map and remove assignments from their info cards.
When a unit that is not part of a hotel or hot desk area is selected, any occupants assigned to it are shown in the info card. Click the Unassign button to unassign the occupant from the unit. If that person is the only occupant in the unit, the unit is added to the Not assigned list.
When an occupant is selected, their assignments are shown in the info card. Click the Unassign button to unassign the occupant from the unit, hotel, or hot desk.
Unassign spaces in the Units list
After activating the Units list, you can click a unit to highlight that unit on the map. From there, you can unassign an occupant from the unit in its info card. You can also filter the Units list to unassign a collection of units all at once.
Ensure that the list is correct before performing any batch operation from the Units list. It is possible to unassign units accidentally if the list is large.
You can hover over an occupied unit in the list and click the Unassign button to remove an occupant from that unit.
Create hotels and hot desk areas
The Assigned to area of the Plan tab contains the Hotels and Hot Desks options. You can activate a list of current hotel and hot desk areas for your plan by clicking one or the other.
Hotels contain units that users can book in Indoor Viewer and Indoors Mobile if you configure them using the Reservations layer or Microsoft 365.
Hot desk areas cannot be booked in Viewer or Indoors Mobile.
The following additional configurable options are available for office hotels:
You can configure user access to hotel bookings by choosing to restrict bookings to people who are assigned to that hotel. If a hotel is configured as restricted, the portal user signed in to Viewer or the Indoors Mobile apps must have an associated email address that matches the EMAIL field value of their record in the Occupants layer.
Hotels are created as restricted by default. To configure unrestricted hotels, the Areas table must contain a field named RESTRICTED that has a Long data type.
This field is created by the Create Indoors Database tool at ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and later.
You can set one or more reservation managers for an office hotel. Reservation managers can book and manage office hotels for other people in Indoor Viewer and Indoors Mobile apps that have workspace reservations configured using the Reservations layer.
- You can set hotel scheduling limits on office hotels, including the following:
- Maximum number of bookings per person—Users can't book more than this number of hotels at a time.
- Maximum duration in days per booking—Users can't book an office hotel for longer than this number of days.
- Maximum days in advance bookings can be made—Users can't book an office more than this number of days in advance.
To set hotel scheduling limits, the Areas table must contain a field named CONFIG that has a text data type.
This field is created by the Create Indoors Database tool at ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and later.
Complete the following steps to create a hotel or hot desk area:
- Click Hotels or Hot Desks to activate the list to which you want to add an area.
- Click Add at the top of the activated list.
The Add a hotel area or Add a hot desk area dialog box appears.
- Type a name for the area.
The Restrict bookings to assigned people only check box is checked by default. Occupants must be assigned to the hotel before they can book it in Indoor Viewer or Indoors Mobile. Uncheck this box to create an unrestricted area that does not require an occupant assignment to book.
If you made required schema changes after creating a plan (such as adding a RESTRICTED field to the Areas table), you must create a new plan to see the restricted hotel option.
- Optionally, add reservation managers for the hotel area.
The Area Roles table must be shared as part of the same hosted feature layer as the Areas table and the Units and Occupants layers.
If you made required schema changes after creating a plan (such as adding the Area Roles table), you must create a new plan to see the reservation managers option.
- Optionally, click Next and set scheduling limits for the hotel.
- Click Add.
The new hotel or hot desk appears in its respective list.
- Click the new hotel or hot desk area to modify its occupants or units.
You can also see additional details about the area, delete it, switch the booking restriction, or update scheduling limits for the area.
Disable assignment confirmations
When you assign someone who does not have any assignments to a vacant unit, hotel, or hot desk area, a dialog box appears by default to confirm the assignment. This confirmation dialog box can be turned off to speed up assignment workflows. You can turn the confirmation off on the dialog box itself or you can turn it off in the user settings.
The option to disable confirmation dialog boxes is not available with occupants or units that have multiple assignments.
Disable confirmations on the dialog box
Complete the following steps to turn off the confirmation dialog box while assigning occupants:
- Assign an unassigned occupant to an empty unit, hotel, or hot desk area.
You can turn off assignment confirmations by assigning an unassigned occupant from the Assignments, People, or Units list to an unassigned unit. You can also turn off assignment confirmations when dragging an unassigned occupant to an unassigned unit.A confirmation dialog box appears.
- Check the check box on the dialog box to stop showing the confirmation.
- Click Assign.
The occupant is assigned and the confirmation dialog box no longer appears.
Disable confirmations in user settings
Complete the following steps to turn off the confirmation dialog box in the app settings:
- Click the Options button
The options panel appears.
- Click the User Settings button
The User Settings panel appears.
- Turn off the Enable dialogs toggle button.
The confirmation dialog box no longer appears when assigning unassigned occupants to unassigned units, hot desks, or hotel areas from a list. You can turn confirmations on again using the same toggle button.
The confirmation dialog boxes remain turned off in your current web browser. If you open the same plan in a different browser, the confirmation dialog boxes are enabled by default.